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error of measurement中文是什么意思

用"error of measurement"造句"error of measurement"怎么读"error of measurement" in a sentence


  • 测差
  • 测量误差


  • Technical norm for error of measurements and interpretation of data
  • Absolute error of measurement
  • Analyzing and modeling of the compensation error of measurement delay in active power filters
  • It brought forward some methods to reduce error of measurement by analyzing whether surface was inclined or not
  • According to the allowance of production , the maximum error of measurement is used to determine the accuracy of the instrument
  • Abstract : some reasons which influence the accuracy of measurement of 3d measuring machine and methods for eliminating the error of measurement are presented in this paper
  • But in a great many situations , if you have no regard for the small resistance , that will bring the errors of measurement , so we have to erase the effect of the small resistance
  • It is analyzed that measurement error which influences the reliable degree of measurement on the system . it is given that error formula estimated on the measuring method used in the system , and imitating estimation is achieved on this error of measurement method through computer
    同时对影响系统测量准确度的原因进行了定性和定量的分析,给出了本系统测量方法的误差估计公式,测试结果表明本系统测量误差远远小于0 . 02的予期指标。
  • High - performance isolation power supply , magnetism isolation chip and photoelectricity coupler are employed to accomplish high - speed transmission for data , which improve the noise restraint and electric isolation . in addition , the error of measurement of the universal counter is analyzed in this thesis
用"error of measurement"造句  
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